I thought of something intriguing today . . . So far I've spent all of my adulthood trying to slay a few different dragons, different but related: 1. Stomping out a bad self-esteem and nurturing a good one up from the musty basement. 2. Telling fears to go screw themselves and find new boundaries for my comfort zoning map 3. Figuring out how to make the seven year old and the seventy year old in me fuse into one cohesive person. 4. Be happy. Basically numbers 2-4 stem from issue number 1 -- the mischievous, little . . . no, exasperatingly huge thorn in my side. Each of these dragons has, at one time or another (and occasionally all at once), kicked my ass. Obviously they have been somewhat dominant, hence the "all of my adulthood" part. And unfortunately, my name being drawn out of the Goblet of Fire was not the reason behind it all. Unfortunately, the blame is on me. Little by little I have been chipping away at my Berlin Wall o...
A blog for old souls and childlike spirits.