Tomorrow my niece, Nikole, has her first day of seventh grade. And for her, that means her first day in a new building . . . the high school. She's spending her first day of seventh grade in the exact same building as I spent mine, which makes the nostalgia all the more easy . . . and all the more indigestion-inducing. There is no great revelation here that my time in junior high was, shall we say, unpleasant for the most part. I was a nerd, I had horrible self-esteem, I was "meaty," and I had social anxiety. It doesn't take AP Math to understand that the answer to this equation is bad . . . very, very bad. Starting something new has always been a tremendously difficult chore for me when it comes to things that are nerve-wracking. Every single year I would spend the last week of summer vacation not only being depressed that the break was about to end, but also fretting over homework, impromptu math problems on the chalk board, wha...
A blog for old souls and childlike spirits.